About us
From the hobby became a job
I have spent most of my conscious life repairing computers, electronics, and various techniques.

My story
My main job after school was to organize the repair and maintenance of various trucks. I’ve been working in this field for a few decades (and a little more). As time goes on, the more I work in addition to my main job, electronics and computer repair, or hobby, as I can say.
The whole world of computers still seemed very interesting to me, and I could spend days figuring out the soul of this “magic machine” and understanding how it works.
I was happy to help my friends and acquaintances solve computer problems. It soon became clear to me that I had good communication with computers and that they “obeyed” me relatively well.
That’s where I came up with the idea of offering computer repair services a little more widely and selling computer hardware, or more specifically used laptops.